Principles of Buddhism

The Four Noble Truths in Buddhism are thus:

1. SUFFERING is universal (to be born is to suffer)
2. The CAUSE of suffering is desire (desire propels the cycle of Samsara)
3. Suffering CAN be eliminated (through man’s own untiring efforts)
4. There is a PATH to the cessation of suffering. (the practice of Dhamma)

The Five Precepts in Buddhism are :
1. Abstinence from killing all forms of life
2. Abstinence from sexual misconduct
3. Abstinence from lies and deceit
4. Abstinence from theft
5. Abstinence from intoxicants

The Seven Sets as taught in Theravada Buddhism :

The Noble Eightfold Path (Ariya-Ashtanga Marga)
1. Right view (samma-ditthi).
2. Right resolve (samma-sankappa).
3. Right speech (samma-vaca).
4. Right action (samma-kammanta).
5. Right livelihood (samma-ajiva).
6. Right effort (samma-vayama).
7. Right mindfulness (samma-sati).
8. Right concentration (samma-samadhi).

The Four Frames of Reference (Satipatthana)
1. To Remain focused on one’s body and mind – that is being alert and mindful all the time- casting aside greed and distress.
2. To Remain focused on one’s feelings and the process of controlling one’s desires.
3. To Remain focused on the mind in and of itself.
4. To Remain focused on one’s mental qualities in and of themselves.

The Four Right Exertions (Sammappadhana)
1. Generating desire, endeavoring, arousing persistence, upholding & exerting one’s intent for the sake of the non-arising of evil, unskillful qualities that have not yet arisen.
2. Generating desire, endeavoring, arousing persistence, upholding & exerting one’s intent for the sake of the abandoning of evil, unskillful qualities that have arisen.
3. Generating desire, endeavoring, arousing persistence, upholding & exerting one’s intent for the sake of the arising of skillful qualities that have not yet arisen.
3. Generating desire, endeavoring, arousing persistence, upholding & exerting one’s intent for the maintenance, non-confusion, increase, plenitude, development, & culmination of skillful qualities that have arisen.

The Four Bases of Power (Iddhipada)
1. Developing one’s mind with concentration founded on desire & the fabrications of exertion.
2. Developing the base of power endowed with concentration founded on persistence & the fabrications of exertion.
3. Developing one’s mind base of power with concentration founded on intent and the fabrications of exertion.
4. Developing the base of power endowed with concentration founded on discrimination & the fabrications of exertion.

The Five Faculties in (Indriya)
1. The faculty of conviction (saddha)
2. The faculty of persistence (viriya) – pronounced as ” veerr-ya”
3. The faculty of mindfulness (sati) – pronounced as ” sathi ”
4. The faculty of concentration (samadhi) – pronounced as “samaadhi”
5. The faculty of discernment (pañña) – pronounced as “pangnya”

The Five Strengths in (Bala)
1. The strength of conviction (saddha).
2. The strength of persistence (viriya).
3. The strength of mindfulness (sati).
4. The strength of concentration (samadhi).
5. The strength of discernment (pañña).

The Seven Factors for Awakening in Theravada Buddhism (Bojjhanga)
1. Mindfulness as a factor for Awakening (sati-sambojjhanga).
2. Analysis of qualities as a factor for Awakening (dhamma-vicaya-sambojjhanga).
3. Persistence as a factor for Awakening (viriya-sambojjhanga).
4. Rapture as a factor for Awakening (piti-sambojjhanga).
5. Serenity as a factor for Awakening (passaddhi-sambojjhanga).
6. Concentration as a factor for Awakening (samadhi-sambojjhanga).
7. Equanimity as a factor for Awakening (upekkha-sambojjhanga).

The Factors of the Seven Sets classed under the Five Faculties –

· Right Speech (Eightfold Path)
· Right Action (Eightfold Path)
· Right Livelihood (Eightfold Path)
· Desire (Bases of Power)

· Right Effort (Eightfold Path)
· Four Right Exertions
· Persistence (Bases of Power)
· Persistence (Factors for Awakening)

· Four Frames of Reference
· Right Mindfulness (Eightfold Path)
· Intent (Bases of Power)
· Mindfulness (Factors for Awakening)

· Four Bases for Power
· Right Concentration (Eightfold Path)
· Rapture (Factors for Awakening)
· Serenity (Factors for Awakening)
· Concentration (Factors for Awakening)
· Equanimity (Factors for Awakening)

· Right View (Eightfold Path)
· Right Aspiration (Eightfold Path)
· Analysis of Qualities (Factors for Awakening)
· Discrimination (Bases of Power)
· Equanimity (Factors for Awakening)