
By Henri Van Zeyst

When the mind awakens from gratification in gratification with impermanence, it is an experience of discontent; for any satisfaction which fails to be permanent and lasting fails to be a gratifying solution, And therein lies the conflict which cannot be solved by putting the mind to sleep again in further search for gratification.

The experience of discontent is a pointer and a symptom which cannot be set aside by avoidance and escape. For the object of escape being self-gratification, under whatever name and whatever subtlety of sublimation, it has always has ‘self’  a the goal of search. The awakening of the mind through discontent is a challenge to the understanding and intelligence, «ut the mind, in memory and in fear, or in hode and in desire, refuses to accept the challenge.

It will merely hide its pain by seeking relief elsewhere Then, discontent is made into a lever to reach out beyond the limitations of what is; and thereby it creates the illusions of satisfaction which provide a temporary forgetfulness which puts the mind to sleep again in its pursuit of security and continuity.

When discontent is seen, understood and experienced as an awakening to what is, there will be no attempt at overcoming this discontent for, when it in seen, understood and experienced as a symptom, it will also be understood that the real problem causing the conflict in mind is much deeper. Then there will be no escape or sublimation, but a mere attention which is the beginning of awakening. Discontent seeking to fill the vacuum of the -self then turns into awareness. ; and in that intelligent awakening the vacuum is seen as a vacuum. This understanding 13 not a conflict, for there is no attempt at filling, no search for escape.

All search is of ‘self ; and in that understanding all search ceases; and the awakening intelligence, seeing what is not distracted by gratification, discontent and conflict.