The Mahaparinibbana Sutta, found in the Pali Canon’s Digha Nikaya (Long Discourses), is one of Buddhism’s most important and revered texts. It recounts the final days, teachings, and passi...Read More
In Buddhism, the concept of Parinibbana (Pali) or Parinirvana (Sanskrit) holds profound significance as it represents the ultimate goal of the spiritual path—the final liberation from the cycle of b...Read More
In the rich tapestry of Buddhist cosmology, the term “Kalpa” (sometimes spelled “Kappa” in Pali) stands out as a profound concept that evokes a sense of the vastness of time. F...Read More
The meditation practices of Buddhism and yogic traditions share similarities but have distinct differences in their techniques, goals, and philosophical underpinnings. Here’s a comparison between th...Read More
The inspiring story of Sopaka, a young boy whose life was transformed by the Buddha's compassion and teachings. Discover the lessons this tale offers in the context of Buddhist practice and philosophy...Read More
In a world where discussions about death are often hushed and avoided, the global pandemic has thrust mortality into the forefront of our minds. Yet, traditionally, we have been taught to shy away fro...Read More
In the teachings of the late Vietnamese monk Thich Nhat Hanh, walking transcends a mere physical act; it becomes a profound contemplative practice, intertwining individuals with their breath, bodies, ...Read More
Being able to differentiate between your experience and the way you perceive it is a vital skill that can help you reduce emotional turbulence and maintain mental clarity in your life. In Buddhism, th...Read More