The Twelve Links of Dependent Origination, or Paticca-samuppada in Pali, is a Buddhist doctrine that explains the cause and effect of suffering. It is a core teaching of the Buddha, offering insight into the cycle of suffering, rebirth, and liberation. The twelve links of dependent origination illustrate how one action can lead to another, and how actions become causes and conditions for future actions. This chain of events is what keeps the cycle of suffering going. The twelve links of dependent origination are as follows:

1. Ignorance (Avijja): Ignorance is the root cause of all suffering. It is the lack of knowledge and understanding of the Four Noble Truths, which are the root of Buddhist teachings. Ignorance leads to the wrong views and wrong intentions that lead to the other eleven links.

2. Volitional Action (Sankhara): Volitional action is the mental impulses, or karma, that give rise to physical and mental actions. These actions can be either positive or negative, and they lead to the next link.

3. Consciousness (Vinnana): Consciousness is the mental faculty that perceives the objects of the world. It is through consciousness that we become aware of our thoughts and actions.

4. Name and Form (Nama-Rupa): Name and form refer to the physical body and the mental faculties, such as the five senses, that enable us to perceive the world.

5. Six Sense Bases (Salayatana): The six sense bases are the five physical senses and the mind, which enable us to experience the world.

6. Contact (Phassa): Contact is the meeting of two or more sense bases with an object. This could be a physical contact, such as touching, or a mental contact, such as imagining.

7. Feeling (Vedana): Feeling is the mental or physical sensation that arises from contact. It can be pleasant, unpleasant, or neutral.

8. Craving (Tanha): Craving is the desire for more pleasure or the aversion to pain. It can manifest as a physical craving, such as hunger, or as a mental craving, such as wanting more material possessions.

9. Clinging (Upadana): Clinging is the attachment to the objects of our craving. It can be physical, such as clinging to a certain type of food, or mental, such as clinging to certain ideas.

10. Becoming (Bhava): Becoming is the process of becoming what we cling to. This could be becoming an object of craving, such as a millionaire, or becoming an object of aversion, such as a homeless person.

11. Birth (Jati): Birth is the physical manifestation of the process of becoming. It is the result of the previous ten links coming together and leading to a new life.

12. Aging and Death (Jaramarana): Aging and death are the inevitable result of birth. Aging is the gradual deterioration of the body, and death is the final result of the process.

The Twelve Links of Dependent Origination illustrate the Buddhist understanding of suffering and liberation. They explain how our actions lead to suffering and how we can break free from it. Through understanding the twelve links, Buddhists can observe the causes of their suffering and strive to end the cycle of rebirth.