Do Buddhists believe in God? This is a common question asked by many people. Below we shall explore the three reasons why the Buddha didn’t believe in God.
The First reason why Buddha did not believe in God
According to Buddha’s teachings, the belief in God originates from fear. Primitive man, who found himself in a dangerous and hostile world, created the idea of gods to comfort him in good times, courage in times of danger, and consolation when things went wrong. The Buddha believed that religious ideas, especially the God idea, originated from fear.

As per Dhammapada verse 188, the Buddha said, “Gripped by fear, man goes to the sacred mountains, sacred groves, sacred trees and shrines.” He taught people to understand their fears, lessen their desires, and calmly and courageously accept the things they cannot change. Buddha’s teachings aim to replace fear with rational understanding and self-understanding.
The second reason why Buddha did not believe in God
The second reason why Buddha did not believe in God is the lack of evidence. Despite numerous religions claiming that they alone have God’s words preserved in their holy book, there is no substantial or irrefutable evidence to prove the existence of God. Buddhists suspend judgment until the evidence is forthcoming. The Buddha encouraged rational thinking instead of blind belief.
The third reason why Buddha did not believe in God
The third reason why the Buddha did not believe in God is that the belief is not necessary. Science has explained how the universe came into being without the need to introduce the God idea. Millions of people, including atheists, free-thinkers, and many Buddhists, live useful, happy, and meaningful lives without believing in God. The Buddha believed that each human being had the capacity to purify the mind, develop infinite love and compassion, and perfect understanding. He shifted attention from the heavens to the heart and encouraged people to find solutions to their problems through self-understanding.
One has to understand that Buddha’s teachings encourage rational thinking and self-understanding instead of blind belief in God. While there is no concrete evidence to prove the existence of God, Buddhists suspend judgment until the evidence is forthcoming. The Buddha believed that each human being had the capacity to purify the mind, develop infinite love and compassion, and perfect understanding. Instead of seeking salvation through belief in God, the Buddha encouraged people to find solutions to their problems through self-understanding.