According to Theravada Buddhism, after death, the cycle of rebirth (samsara) continues, with the next birth being determined by the accumulated karma (actions and intentions) of the individual in their past lives. This process is known as the Law of Dependent Origination.
In Theravada Buddhism, it is believed that the individual’s consciousness (mind-stream) continues after death, carrying the karmic imprints of their past actions and intentions. At death, the mind-stream separates from the physical body and enters into a transitional state known as the bardo, where the individual’s consciousness experiences various visions and experiences.
The individual’s rebirth is determined by the karma that they have accumulated, with positive actions leading to a higher rebirth in a realm of greater happiness and less suffering, and negative actions leading to a lower rebirth in a realm of greater suffering. The ultimate goal of Theravada Buddhism is to break free from the cycle of rebirth and attain liberation (nirvana) from suffering and delusion.
Theravada Buddhism also emphasizes the impermanence and interconnectedness of all things, and the importance of cultivating wisdom and compassion in order to live a meaningful and beneficial life. Through mindfulness and insight meditation practices, individuals can develop the wisdom and clarity to understand the nature of reality and transform their minds to overcome suffering and delusion.