Metta, also known as loving-kindness, is a central concept in Buddhism that refers to the practice of cultivating unconditional, benevolent love and goodwill towards all beings.

The practice of Metta involves cultivating feelings of love, compassion, joy, and equanimity towards oneself, others, and all beings, without discrimination or attachment. It is seen as a powerful antidote to negative emotions such as anger, hatred, and fear, and is believed to lead to greater peace, happiness, and well-being for both the practitioner and others.

In Buddhism, Metta is often practiced through meditation, in which the practitioner focuses on cultivating feelings of loving-kindness towards themselves, loved ones, acquaintances, strangers, difficult people, and ultimately, all beings in the world. The practice may involve reciting specific phrases or mantras, visualizing oneself or others in a state of peace and happiness, or simply cultivating a feeling of warmth and benevolence in the heart.

The practice of Metta is considered a fundamental aspect of Buddhist teachings, and is believed to lead to greater wisdom, compassion, and liberation from suffering.