Upekkha, also spelled as Upeksha, is a concept in Buddhism that refers to the practice of equanimity or impartiality.

The term “upekkha” is derived from the Pali word “upekkhā”, which means “equanimity” or “impartiality”. It involves cultivating a state of mind that is balanced, calm, and unbiased, regardless of the circumstances.

The practice of Upekkha is often done through meditation, where one cultivates a sense of detachment from the ups and downs of life and develops a non-reactive and non-judgmental attitude towards experiences.

The practice of Upekkha is considered one of the Four Brahma Viharas or Divine Abodes in Buddhism, which also includes loving-kindness, compassion, and sympathetic joy. The cultivation of these qualities is believed to lead to a deep sense of inner peace, happiness, and liberation from suffering.

By practicing Upekkha, one can develop a sense of inner balance and stability, and learn to accept life’s challenges and uncertainties with equanimity and composure. This can lead to a greater sense of harmony, contentment, and freedom from suffering.